H.R. 6060: Endangered Fish Recovery Programs Extension Act of 2012


From The Pueblo Chieftain (Chris Woodka):

HR6060 would authorize the base funds of $4 million to the Upper Colorado and $2 million to the San Juan fish recovery programs. Revenues are generated through federal hydroelectric projects. All of Colorado’s congressional representatives, except Doug Lamborn, signed on to the bill as co-sponsors.

Pueblo benefits from the program because it has avoided environmental lawsuits which could affect imports of water from the Colorado River, said Alan Ward, water resources manager…

Pueblo annually contributes funds to the program, along with other large water importers — Denver, Colorado Springs, Aurora, Twin Lakes, and the Northern and Southeastern Colorado water conservancy districts. Indian tribes and Western Slope water users also contribute to and benefit from the program. The funds help pay for water that is used to sustain flows for the fish and for things like fish passages, hatcheries, screens or habitat improvement projects.

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